The science behind slowing down

Today’s society created the idea that in order to be productive, we need to be constantly and quickly moving. As we continually move from one project to the next, our behaviors tend to follow. We start rushing through projects, workouts, and most importantly, meals. Oftentimes this results in improperly fueling our bodies and it is undoubtedly taking a toll on our health. When it comes to eating, science shows that quicker is certainly not better.  

Eating at a slower rate is an effective way to reduce your consumption. Those who eat slower tend to feel full for longer and have a more accurate memory of what was being consumed. It makes sense right? Hard to remember what you had if you inhaled the entire plate in one breath on your way to the next client. Now you’re left with a food coma and another 30 minute sedentary meeting.. Busy is not always better, we need to pump the brakes and pay attention to what we are eating, when we are eating, and how much. 

Slower eating also leads to greater ghrelin suppression (the hunger hormone) and in turn, less snacking throughout the day. If you are someone who is constantly reaching for the snack drawer and can’t seem to pinpoint why, slowing down during your meals could be a great place to start.

The next time you are rushing between activities, events, or jobs, plan ahead and carve out additional time to sit down and enjoy your meal. You will feel full longer, snack less and likely have more energy to get you through the day. 

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